Hello, I am Ben.

Very simple and straight to the point, eh? I've never written an "about me" page before.

I'm studying Computer Science at the University of Helsinki. I'm interested in System Architecture and, in general, understanding how systems work on a deeper level. I'm a big *nix person, but lately, I've hovered more over Windows in terms of software development.

For as long as I can remember, I've been into computers and specifically making things. I started with Python 2.* in elementary school but migrated away from that to C# and C++ in middle school. I've now mainly been using Rust, Python, and Bash for the past few years. I'm definitely into Rust for software development, but I find Python and Bash useful for when I need to have a minimum viable product as quickly as possible.

I've played some CTFs and completed a bit of the general 'hacking' sites, tryhackme.com, hackthissite.org, and the like. Doing CTFs is fun, but I much more enjoy reading technical information and then attempting to break or otherwise create malicious software with that information. I'm sure this somehow ties to the concept of the empty boat in Daoism, but that's beyond my reach.

In my free time, aside from computer stuff, I read books. The most recent books I've read are an O'Reilly book on Ansible and Windows Internals. I highly recommend Windows Internals if you're interested in system architecture or just understanding how Windows works. Aside from reading, I like exercising and swimming. I'm also a big fan of diving distances, although this is closely related to swimming. It's a nice hobby because I have tangible metrics to track my progress, which I find quite satisfying. Metrics for the win!